Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's Hard on the Outside, Slimy on the Inside, and Eyeball Textureed When You Eat It??????

Oysters of course!!!!!!

Last weekend, Jon and I were invited to the annual Point Reyes Oyster BBQ!

Andrea, Ivy, Kim, Josh, Jon & Ali

Here we see Josh's Dad hawling that oyster cart again! He must of hawled over 20 loads of oysters to feed this group!

Eating Oysters is a process...

Step 1

Split Shell and Scoop Meat Loose

Step 2

Add Lemon Juice and or Cocktail Sauce

Step 3

Slurp! (And do not me).

Every year there is a Horse Shoe contest and the winner takes home an actual trophy, which must be returned the following year for the next champion.

For the second year now, Jon and I have failed to win this coveted trophy. Mainly because we run out of steam to compete with against all the teams! Horse Shoes takes serious time and concentration. Something we lack after several beers.

Jon shows us how it is done! It's a RINGER!!!!!!

Jarred has great horse shoe form....

but not nearly as good as Kim's form!

Josh threw shoes all day hoping to win back his title as Horse Shoe Champion. He took this competition so seriously he even removed his belt at one point to use as a measuring device to help judge tough calls.

Kitty and Sequoya through a couple!



Ivy and Andrea brought their sweet Boston Terriers to the BBQ!

Natalie brought her sweet niece and nephew the the BBQ.

Josh brought a guitar arsenal to the BBQ.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Fair is a Varitable Smorgisborg!

A couple weekends ago, Jon took me to the California State Fair. As far as I remember, it is the first State Fair I've ever attended! The theme this year was the State Fair "Goes to Hollywood."

I was excited to go to the fair, unfortunately we went one of the last days it was in town, so we missed a lot of the feature performers. For example, we missed the musical stylings of...

We had no choice but to eat lots of delicious fair foods to make up for the loss.

Foods We Consumed Included...

Garlic Fries
Jumbo Corn Dog (best I've ever had)
Lemonade served from a Giant Lemon
Fried Vegi Basket
Fried Raviolis
Frozen Bananas
Ice Cream Sundae

Foods We Did Not Eat Include...

Fried Twinkies
Fried Smores
Fried Frog Legs
The list goes on and on

The Fair really is a Veritable Smorgisborg!

Besides food, we enjoyed...

The G-Force cost us 9 tickets to ride (per person)....needless to say, we did not ride very many rides.

The Indiana Jones display was better then the movie...

Ali used to be the president of "Camp Smokey!" Just Kidding.

The California Cowgirls performed....Mom Wever would love these ladies, they love the America!

Though we missed Air Supply and Weird Al, we still had a very nice time at the California State Fair.