Friday, July 16, 2010

More Things We Learned Camping at the R-Ranch....

#9 You need lots of water to survive dusty ranch life...

and it takes more than 4 people to have a successful Volley.

The WORST volley ball game in R-Ranch history.

#10 Lazy days are sometimes the BEST days...

The Klamath

#11 Every camp needs a "SNAKE CHARMER" to protect all its Partners...

The R-Ranch has these.

(Perhaps Aunt Holly should float Evan a "tip" for his services).

#12 "The best thing for the inside of a man, is the outside of a horse." ~Ronald Reagan

I rode "Rockette," she was distracted by every weed. Jon rode "Toby", who he renamed "Sure-Footed Toby" after he went down that steep hill.

We all waited for these two to pick out boots. I must say, the extra time they took was worth it!

Perhaps Ronny was on to something.

#13 You don't need a T.V.

The "Glow Man Group" debut.

#14 The R-Ranch awakens your "Inner Republican" or at least your love for your 2nd Amendment Rights. God Bless America!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Things We Learned Camping at the R-Ranch...

#1 There are NO VEGETARIANS at the R-Ranch...meat is the #1 staple in a Partners diet.

#2 Clothing is Optional...

#3 Memories come in many shapes and sizes...

We found Grandpa Dick's fake sugar pills he used to put in his coffee.

Snack Shack Soft Serve is EXACTLY the same.

#4 The R-Ranch needs a new Mascot...

A few of these made it back to Woodland in our luggage...yes they were still ALIVE!

#5 Make-Up and Hair Brushing is not required.

#6 Lil' Partners enjoy "roughing it"...More play, late bedtimes, NO BATHS!



#7 Only "YOU" can prevent Forest Fires...

It became clear early on that "toasting" the marshmallows was not really the goal...

Igniting the Marshmallows was...

#8 Real Partner's wear hats...

MORE "Things We Learned Camping at the R-Ranch" to come...STAY TUNED.