Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Material Mama Podcast: "Old School" Cheese Zombies Revealed!!!

When I did the image search for "Cheese Zombie," this is what I got...not exacltly what I was looking for.

Now this is more like it....I found a blog with the O.G. Mt. Diablo School District Zombie Recipe! Anyone who went to school in this district remembers the beloved Cheese Zombie for 50. cents. I can't wait to make them!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

4 Eyes

Oliver is a chip off the ol' block.

Thanks for the cool montage video Aunt Amy...from one 4 eyes to another.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat & Parental Torture

Ok, I will admit that when I used to see infants dressed up for Halloween, I felt it was pretty dumb. I mean, infants don't even know it's Halloween and can't even enjoy candy yet!! Well, lets just say that this year I finally get it. Jon and I lead pretty "boring" lives at this point, and had no Halloween Party to go to or other Halloween related activity to participate in. We decided to amuse ourselves by dressing up our poor defenseless baby into a multitude of appropriate and inappropriate costumes. We then blinded our little guy with the flash of our camera's so others might enjoy the costumes we forced our baby to wear. So without further ado...ENJOY!

Halloween T and Bat Hat

Ghost T was his favorite

Baby Darth Vader

Oliver Skellington

Pumpkin Man costume compliments of Grandma Wever

WARNING: The next few costumes were purely for our amusement and are not appropriate for infants. We do not condone infant smoking, Skittles abuse or gang banging.

