Friday, July 16, 2010

More Things We Learned Camping at the R-Ranch....

#9 You need lots of water to survive dusty ranch life...

and it takes more than 4 people to have a successful Volley.

The WORST volley ball game in R-Ranch history.

#10 Lazy days are sometimes the BEST days...

The Klamath

#11 Every camp needs a "SNAKE CHARMER" to protect all its Partners...

The R-Ranch has these.

(Perhaps Aunt Holly should float Evan a "tip" for his services).

#12 "The best thing for the inside of a man, is the outside of a horse." ~Ronald Reagan

I rode "Rockette," she was distracted by every weed. Jon rode "Toby", who he renamed "Sure-Footed Toby" after he went down that steep hill.

We all waited for these two to pick out boots. I must say, the extra time they took was worth it!

Perhaps Ronny was on to something.

#13 You don't need a T.V.

The "Glow Man Group" debut.

#14 The R-Ranch awakens your "Inner Republican" or at least your love for your 2nd Amendment Rights. God Bless America!


MediocreMama said...

I always knew that deep down Kevin and Amy were both Republicans. Welcome back, guys.

Did you find an easy way to take pictures from Picasa to Blogger? I've been saving them to my computer but it takes forever.

JanuskieZ said...
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