As most of you know, I've been a bit preoccupied and have not blogged in a long while. I've taken very little photos lately so bare with me.
First off, Grandma celebrated her 88th birthday those that could, drove down to Redding for the day.
I bet the
women in the family can guess what I'm thinking here....

For some reason, Jon thought it would be fun to document me trying to keep down my breakfast (picture taken a several weeks ago).
NO, I'm not starting my own
Robyn brought over her two machines last weekend, and we had a sewing bee. A few weeks ago, my mother-in-law sent me her sewing machine and overlock machine. I have to say, this is one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever recieved. They work great, and I've had fun learning to use this new equipment. The sewing machine makes EXCELLENT Buttonholes! The Overlock/Serger machine is also pretty easy to use. I've even enrolled in an Overlock introductory course at the Davis Craft Center, to insure I don't break anything.
And last, but not least...
We have been looking for houses in Woodland, and we finally found a cute little house in our $$ range with lots of potential. Cross your fingers for us...we hope the bank accepts our offer. We should hear something in a few weeks. If it does not work out, we will just continue the search.
So that's it for pictures. Hopefully we will have more soon!