Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ok...Serious Blog FAIL.

I was recently reminded by someone who may remain anonymous, that I haven't posted a new post in many many moons. I will try to do better in the future. We have just had a lot going on around here. In case you don't believe me, here is our Summer/Fall recap.

We got to meet someone new!

We said goodbye to a loved one.

We got to hang out with our favorite partners at the R-Ranch.

We celebrated America.

We took refreshing (dangerous) naps.

We learned we like Ranch dressing...a lot.

Jon started his summer project, backdoor steps to the backyard. I like how Oliver wears his helmet during construction. Safety First.

O.k. I was working hard, so please ignore the crazy hair.

We even made it to the California State Fair!

Oliver liked the bug exhibit.

We enjoyed running through the sprinklers! And yes this is happening in our FRONT yard.

We rocked a little.

We went camping again...and learned how much we LOVE dirt.

Why drink milk when you can start your morning with a cold one? (Before you go calling CPS, this can of Oly is unopened).

Um...dirt and jelly don't mix.

We had a few Monsters over for Oliver's 2nd Birthday Party...

and then we ate them.

Jon trying to figure out one of Oliver's new birthday puzzles.

Oliver loved his new Space Tent! Apparently Moms are not allowed inside, but Dads are o.k.

Oliver also loves his new Legos. Glad we made the investment.

Did you know that our little town has Tractor Museum?
We didn't either till a local told us.

Here is an old Packard truck. I think our Great Grandpa used to sell these.

We dressed up a little.

We finally renewed our Zoo membership.

Haircuts are rewarded at our house.

We learned that Play-Dough doesn't taste as good as it looks.

We not only picked our Pumpkins from a REAL pumpkin patch,
we also held kitties, bunnies, chicks, chased Chickens, petted cows
and went on a Tractor Ride.
No pictures of any of that stuff though, so you will have to just take our word.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Oh Yes. This Happened.

I Love Prince. I love the album Purple Rain. I love the movie Purple Rain. I got to go see the movie Purple Rain the other night in the city at the Castro Theater and there was a very special guest.

Freak'n Apollonia.

If you are too young to know this name. She was the hot lady that Prince hooked up with (and treated like dirt) in the movie Purple Rain.

Still not ringing any bells??? She also had the smash hit "Sex Shooter." A pop song all little girls (should not) sing along with.

During her interview on stage, they kept on referring to her as a fashion ICON.
I love that.
(Please Please See Video).

To top off an all ready Awesome evening with my adult girl friends (NO KIDS ALLOWED) we got to meet this Prince Kissing, Sex Shooting, Fashion Icon!!! She looked Fabulous.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Word to your Mother...

Funny how a child's first words are never what you would expect. Plus, they don't always sound like the word they are saying.

Oliver has been slow to use verbal...he has been more of a pointer and used a few sign language words we taught him, like "more" please"& "thank you." He could say the Da and Ma sounds but rarely used them to call us. But the last couple of weeks he has really tried to speak more.

Some of his silly first words are:

Gully Gar or Gully Gully Gully Gar

Translation: Guitar


Translation: Cheese


Translation: Clock

Loo la loo la loo

Translation: Mellon, or Banana

Wa Wa

Translation: Water

and my personal favorite:

RICE! No translation needed for this one. Clear as day, he screams RICE!

Oliver carefully considering his next word.