Thursday, June 23, 2011

Word to your Mother...

Funny how a child's first words are never what you would expect. Plus, they don't always sound like the word they are saying.

Oliver has been slow to use verbal...he has been more of a pointer and used a few sign language words we taught him, like "more" please"& "thank you." He could say the Da and Ma sounds but rarely used them to call us. But the last couple of weeks he has really tried to speak more.

Some of his silly first words are:

Gully Gar or Gully Gully Gully Gar

Translation: Guitar


Translation: Cheese


Translation: Clock

Loo la loo la loo

Translation: Mellon, or Banana

Wa Wa

Translation: Water

and my personal favorite:

RICE! No translation needed for this one. Clear as day, he screams RICE!

Oliver carefully considering his next word.