In case you didn't know, we moved to Alameda.
- Jon no longer commutes 4 hours a day, or falls asleep on the couch before the kids even go to bed.
- I get to stay home with the boys!
- No longer paying a nanny to take care of our boys!
- No more Central Valley heat! 100+ temperatures in SPRING!
- Lower electric bill...see above.
- Closer to family.
- Closer to old friends that knew us "before kids."
- Closer to old friends that now HAVE kids.
- Closer to EVERYTHING we love. Music, Culture, non-chain restaurants, fill in the blank________.
- We live walking distance from great food, shops, a great park, library and BEACH.
- Schools are much better than Woodland.
- No longer have to worry about fixing our house, or yardwork.
- Got rid of our second car and it's insurance.
- No more paying for UC Davis outrageous parking fees!
Front Steps Puddle Stomp
Walking to Park & Crown Beach.
Washington Park
Sold home...Renting again.
No more private backyard and garden.
2 BR instead of 3.
No longer a 2 income home.

Date Night at The Fox
We are so much happier here and are loving life...sometimes change is GOOD!