Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

PHASE ONE...Painting!

This last weekend we started phase 1 of the painting process.

Dining Room

Wever helpers arrived early, and we worked late into the evening. Our friend Robyn even stopped by to lend us a hand. Due to how long it was taking, we decided to rethink how much painting actually needed to get done.

Dining Room

We did not bother to paint the nursery white, since we want to paint it a pretty color anyway.

Master Bedroom

In the end, we decided to paint the walls of the worst rooms, and save the doors & trim for later (once shoulders, arms, backs, hands and wrists recover).


Dear Baby,
I'm sorry I was exposed to fumes and dust while getting your new home ready. Honestly, I did my best to stay out of harms way whenever possible. I hope and pray you will not be born with horns, and if you are, I will love you and your horns so don't worry.

Dining Room

We have named the ugly lamp the "Dog's Playing Poker Lamp."

I can't wait for it to come down!!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


We get the keys to the house today!!! We are so excited!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009


Jon has always been a Salvador Dali fan, and the other day a good friend (thanks Steve) sent us a great link to a Dali/Disney collaborative animated short, "Destino".

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Since there are not too many pictures from Father's Day this year, I decided to make a short list of things that remind me of
MY Father.

My Dad loves Cats!

He always liked her.

He likes to read this.

My Dad likes to drink this.

He'll watch this guy's movies.

Dad is a fan of these guys.

He likes to hunt this.

Of course he likes this guy!

Father's Day was celebrated at the "Outback" this year.

Here is the whole gang...wide angle lens is not really flattering us!

Here we are dropping Grandma Wever off at her new place.