Wever helpers arrived early, and we worked late into the evening. Our friend Robyn even stopped by to lend us a hand. Due to how long it was taking, we decided to rethink how much painting actually needed to get done.
We did not bother to paint the nursery white, since we want to paint it a pretty color anyway.
In the end, we decided to paint the walls of the worst rooms, and save the doors & trim for later (once shoulders, arms, backs, hands and wrists recover).

I'm sorry I was exposed to fumes and dust while getting your new home ready. Honestly, I did my best to stay out of harms way whenever possible. I hope and pray you will not be born with horns, and if you are, I will love you and your horns so don't worry.
You assume a baby with horns is awful until you meet one...actually not that bad.
They tend to have dynamic personalities, too.
...Not to mention epic and heroic potential...
(see Ico)
A horned baby would be rad. That way, if you give the baby a Lord of the Rings name, it makes perfect sense.
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