Monday, August 24, 2009

Getting There...

House organization is getting there...we have made much progress.

Wall shelving and nic nacs are not out yet...but at least things are livable.

We've decided to paint all cuboards white, and all kitchen walls Yellow to keep with the vintage kitchen look. We will start that project in the FUTURE.

We are thinking of taking that window in the dinning room, and converting it to French doors to the backyard. We may start that project soon.

Bedside cradle is ready...babies clothes are washed and ready to bring to the hospital.

And most importantly we got the nursery painted and organized for baby. It still needs to be decorated, but at least the important stuff is complete!

Instead of using a stencil, we just did our best to recreate my tree sketch by taping it freehand!

Looks amazingly close to the original sketch. We went through a lot of painters tape!

Painting over the tapped tree. This was scary.

I did participate "in shifts."

Here Jon is starting to peel off the tape to reveal our pretty tree.

Still peeling tape!

Baby's little tree house.

Baby bouncer is E.T. tested and Mother approved.

We will put books in the hutch and Jon wants to build the toy box. Mom and Dad Wever are giving us their dark wood rocking chair. Things are really getting there! Thank goodness.

O.k. baby Bower, you can be born now...we are ready!


Amy said...

Wow....everything looks great! Your house is so cute!

MediocreMama said...

I cannot believe that tree. Never in my wildest imagination would I think up something so cool. Or have the patience to follow through with it. It looks incredible.

See, wasn't it fun to wait and find out the sex now? The suspense is so exciting! Hope you're hanging in there; the house looks great and baby-ready. Glad you have a bouncer; we use ours constantly. KEEP US POSTED!!!!

chulala said...

I love it its sooooo cute. Everything is so you guys!!
cant wait to see baby bower