Will he remember all the hugs...

all the kisses...

all the songs we sang to him...

all the piggy-back rides & paddy cakes...

the snuggles...

all the walks in our garden...

all the bedtime stories...

and the peek-a-boos...

Will he remember that his mother breast fed him till he was 8 months old...

or that his parents made him "Homemade Baby Food"...

or will he remember all the times we put him in "prison" our word for his laundry basket.
We use the basket to keep him playing in one safe spot. Whenever he is loose, he goes crazy, and gets into everything, but for some reason, he hardly ever tries to escape his prison. So we keep putting him in there...when we need to make his bottle, or go to the restroom, put on make-up etc. he goes in prison. So our question is this...will he remember all the good things, or will he remember this? When he is an adult, will he have scary flash backs when he is trying to do a load of laundry? Will he hate the color orange? I guess only time will tell.
1 comment:
No, Lennon will NOT stay in a laundry basket. For that, we'll discount the price. He's free.
I love this post because we did the same thing with both boys...a barricade of any sort becomes completely necessary. Be sure to bring this basket to the ranch...
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