Weeks after returning home from the R-Ranch trip, I found out what "THEY" have been saying about "US." A person close to me, whom I will not identify, has done business with a R-Ranch partner and old timer named Luigi for some time now. When my friend mentioned to Luigi that the Wever's had recently had a reunion at the R-Ranch, Luigi quickly identifies us as
"The Wild Bunch by the River." Hmmmm. How could this be? Us? Wild? We WERE located by a moving body of water, that could be classified as a river. That part IS true.
So my question is this:How does a group of campers get the nickname "The Wild Bunch by the River?" Let's see...Could it be the squeezing of a group of 19 between
two other trailers, causing
all other trailer occupants from both the left and right of the camp to vacate for a week?
Or maybe it was the Parking of 5+ vehicles in 3 camp spots?

Could it be the 1 a.m. howlings coming from a non-sound proofed tent?
Perhaps it was because we were feeding the neighbor's dog pancakes or the removal of dog dishes from others trailer porches?
Does a group get such a title from letting off just a few fireworks on the Forth of July?
Could it be the public "pooping" and "peeing" on campgrounds?
Does the name have anything to do with all the nudity?

Or maybe the "pop-a-wheelies" and the kicking up of dust by motor vehical through out the R-Ranch property?
That bike is definitely doing a "pop-a-wheely."
Could it be from not paying the 5 dollar a day fee, or ditching out on horseback riding fees (because rules are clearly NOT displayed, and or management refuses to make simple ATM transactions)?
Maybe reputations like this happen after the "law" has been notified
more than once about the campers various shenanigans.
Regardless of our various activities, one should
NEVER resort to name calling. Just saying.