Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rights of Passage

There are many rights of passage for a little one growing up. First steps, first words... you get the point.

But nothing prepares you for the first time your poked in the eye with a stick! Am I right?

Feeling a bit better the day after being poked in the eye with the stick.

The worst thing about this whole stick in face incident is that it totally could have been avoided. It was my fault for not bothering to get Oliver out of range of the child waving the pointy stick. Needless to say, I felt awful.

1 comment:

MediocreMama said...

Horrible mom, Ali. Way to go.

Actually, when Lennon was about eight months old I went to throw him up in the air for fun but didn't realize I was in a doorway. His head hit so freaking hard.

It happens. Glad he's okay, though.