Jon and I debated the different approaches we should use. I wanted Oliver to gather & trash them himself, and Jon wanted Oliver to trade them in for toys at Toy's R Us. So I prepped Oliver for several days talking about being a big boy and giving up his Binki. Then one day while I'm at work, I receive a call from Jon saying...
Guess where we are? Toy's R Us. Oliver just traded in both his binki's. He traded them for a dump truck and a set of Lincon Logs. The excitement over new toys apparently was short lived. Oliver cried the whole way home saying he wanted his binki's back!

Broke our hearts hearing him cry...
Please Dadda, get my binki...look again...please look again!
Please Mamma, go to store and get my binki!!
After 2 days of whining for binkis, he finally stopped asking for them, but the withdrawal was not over.
His entire nap and bedtime routines no longer worked. He wouldn't sit still for storytime any more, which is my special time with him each day. He used to just climb into bed and roll over, and we would leave. Now he restlessly complained, and barked off a list of demands...
I need MILK.
I need to go POO!
Turn the fan on.
Turn on my Vaperizer!
Don't go Mommy, I need to TALK to YOU! He got very clingy with me, and I would sit on his bed and talk to him till he would let me leave. Then we can hear him Kicking the Wall for an hour!
Poor kid didn't know what he wanted. He just knew he needed SOMETHING.
Finally day 3 with no binki came. The big night with the babysitter. We warned her of the possible list of demands and stall tactics that may occur at bed time. She couldn't get him down till after 9pm. His usual bedtime is 7pm.
Day 4 was even worse! Almost 10 pm before he finally stopped crying and acting restless.
Day 5 it looked bad. He was now howling for MAMMA! Storytime still did not work, and he now wanted me (8 mo. pregnant) to awkwardly sit on his bed and sing & chat for hours. Jon finally drove off to the nearest late night store and came back with a binki.
Yes. Day 5 we gave in. He broke us. And our good little sleeper is back.
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