Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lost & Found...

You never realize how much you appreciate the remote control till it goes missing for over 24 hours. We tore the house apart, looked in all the usual places but could not find it. Luckily I decided to wear my boots to work. Mystery solved. I also found a binki in the toe of the boot. It had been missing for a while. Speaking of binkis...

Yesterday Jon was working in the back yard and found Oliver's missing green binki in our flower bed. I was glad we found it instead of Oliver, considering the fact that there was probably SNAIL POISON All OVER IT.

This is the macaroni I found in my hair. I discovered it after I had returned home from work. I was sporting it all day. Then I remembered that I had given Oliver macaroni & cheese the day BEFORE. This means I was actually wearing macaroni for TWO DAYS. Awesome.

1 comment:

Carol said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Payback ... it's payback time and he hasn't even come close to those enchanting, wonderful "Terrible Two's"! hahahahahahahahahahaha Actually, I can't honestly imagine our little Ollie ever, ever being "terrible"...he's just too sweet.
But he is smart, huh? It was a hide & seek game he just fogot to "tell" you about! I was always a fan of macaroni hair myself ... sparks conversation at the water fountain.