This would have been Oliver if we hadn't fixed his leaking right eye.
Oliver had Surgery on his right tear duct this week. He had very goopy eyes as an infant, and we were told it would clear up by age 1. Well, he is now almost 18 months, and still had one goopy eye. We wiped tears away from this eye constantly. The doctors said that a minor surgery was needed to PROBE the tear duct for blockage and possibly put in a very small stent to keep the duct open. No BIGGIE...just a doctor taking my baby, putting him to sleep, than sticking something in his EYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oliver had to fast at least 6 hours before the surgery. His was doing fine till they made us wait an EXTRA 2 HOURs in pre-op. 8 Hours No Food, No nap...we struggled to keep him still and quite.
He fought the nurse trying to take his blood pressure, and he tried to take off his ID bracelet they placed on his ankle. Maybe I should send the nursing staff a formal letter of apology...NO!....they are the one's that kept this tiny guy waiting for hours till he was CRAZY. They should send Oliver a letter of apology.
Dear YOU TUBE, I love you. I really, really do. I would marry you if I wasn't already married.
We watched every Yo Gabba Gabba & Sesame Street Video posted on You Tube while we waited.
They finally gave him some drugs to put him in a calm state for the Anesthesiologist.
Notice he is laying down. This was only possible because the "calming drugs" they gave him started to kick in. Here you see him spacing out looking at the GROOVY stethoscope. Also you might notice the marker above his eye. I'm very glad they marked the eye they were planning to work on. I would hate for them to probe the wrong tear duct. The surgery went great, but post-op we had a hysterical, unconsolable baby coming out of anesthesia. He was ok, just confused, starving, tired and REALLY PISSED! Took him a while to snap out of it.
Once he settled down, we were able to give him a bottle, some food, and a bath and he drifted off to sleep. No more CRY BABY, just a brave little boy with a permanent marker tattoo on his face.
1 comment:
Poor little guy....I'm so glad he's doing better! Give him hugs and kisses for me.
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