Here are a few things about Oliver that make us proud:
He smiles and talks
jumps & stands
climbs Mt. Mommy
enjoys looking at fine art
enjoys staring at his mobile
sleeps for 4 hour blocks (done this the last few nights)
can drink from a bottle (only gets one a day)
master of hiccups
poses...flips us the bird, "Dr. Evil," and "Magnum"
loves to kick (daddy calls it "air running")
likes to listen to "Men Without Hats"
enjoys our kisses
cries like the best of them

Getting Kissed
Drinking from a bottle
Cry Baby
We are even proud of this...
We are proud of all three of you. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing your joy. Alaska grandma and grandpa
Isn't it true! Parents cannot be too proud. Larry spits up and we're all cooing and clapping for him...
These pictures are great; keep them coming! We hate living so far away!
You can never be too proud! Thanks for the Oliver fix! I love him to pieces!
Love the new posts ... I know what OB1 is doing in that last film clip...yes, and even THAT makes a parent proud! Kinda' wierd, huh?
He's just too cute ... glad we could visit on Sunday. Fun times.
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